Pharmacy & Pet Products
Know exactly what you're getting.
We offer a variety of products, food, and medications to keep your pet happy and healthy. Our in-house pet pharmacy is stocked with parasite preventatives and prescription medications used to treat injuries and illnesses of all kinds.
Our top priority is your pet’s safety. At Poland Animal Hospital, the prescription medications we carry and sell are purchased directly from the manufacturers. You know exactly what you’re getting and we are available to answer any questions.
Request a pet medication refill >
Shop Select Products Online
For your convenience, we also offer an online store to shop select pet products that can be delivered right to your door.
Prescription Policy
Please note that a valid Veterinary-Client-Patient-Relationship (VCPR) is required by Maine law in order to authorize all prescriptions. This means your pet must have been examined by one of our veterinarians within the past 12 months. For heartworm preventatives, annual testing is also required. If your pet’s prescription was for medications involved in hormonal conditions such as hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, Cushing’s, or Addison’s, blood work may be required prior to refill. Poland Animal Hospital will not approve fax, email, or phone prescription requests from online pharmacies.
Clients who wish to obtain their pet's medication through these avenues will simply need to pick up a written prescription at our hospital. Why you should order your pet's medication from your veterinarian: Our hospital’s supply chain is 100% secure. From the time the medication you order is manufactured, all the way to when you are going to give it to your pet, it has been handled, stored, and packaged in compliance with manufacturer guidelines. The product you receive is guaranteed to be the name-brand medication in the proper dosage and packaging. Medications purchased directly from us are guaranteed by the product's manufacturer and most importantly by us, your pet's veterinarian.
Our goal again is for your pets to live happier and healthier lives and we want our clients to be fully informed of the reasons why we recommend purchasing these medications directly from your veterinarian. Ask us about our instant rebates on Nexgard and Heartgard Plus! To request a refill online please visit our website or contact us at (207) 998-2444.